Across the Pond Publications

Whimsical Writer's
Workshop 2022
Welcome to the first annual Whimsical Writer's Workshop, a specially designed month long summer writing activity for MIDDLE GRADE (age 9-12; grades 4-6) participants.
We are very excited to be working in collaboration with our local libraries and Indie Book stores to bring this opportunity to YOU, the young author.
Our goal is to GET YOUR STORY PUBLISHED in 4 short weeks!
ONLY 20 participants will be able to take part in this VIRTUAL/ONLINE/INTERACTIVE Workshop, so register now!
The Details-
DATES: TBA - Fall 2022
LOCATION: An ONLINE do-at-your-own-speed workshop
HOW DOES IT WORK? There are 8 sessions designed to move you through all of the writing stages including editing and publication of your work. All sessions are video recorded and captioned and are available on YouTube to registered participants only through a shared link. Two sessions will also be LIVE; Session 1 on June 2 and Session 8 on June 30. The exact times of these sessions will be provided once we have the locations of our participants. Because this is a virtual workshop, you have the freedom to work at your own speed and in your own time during the dates of the activity. Your local libraries encourage you to write at their centers where you have access to all of their materials as a source of inspiration!
WHAT DO I GET OUT OF PARTICIPATION? You will become an officially published author. Your 1000-word story will be published in an Anthology and you will receive a bound copy of the book by the end of the summer (need time for actual publication via Across the Pond Publications). Your Anthology will also be available for purchase on Amazon and through other booksellers. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that YOU CAN WRITE and that OTHERS LOVE YOUR WORK.
THE COST: $25.00 which includes the cost of publication and postage and handling, payable via PayPal.